ONSdigital / sdg-indicators

Development website for collecting and disseminating UK data for the Sustainable Development Goal global indicators.
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Cookie consent form #3524

Closed brockfanning closed 3 years ago

brockfanning commented 3 years ago

Fixes #3523

Not intended be merged, but can be tested. First draft of a cookie consent form. Still some questions to answer in the related issue but this is functional.

This depends on https://github.com/open-sdg/open-sdg/pull/1235 so this PR points there in remote_theme.

Some notes on the PR:

  1. This starts a _sass folder, which is the recommended way to do custom CSS. Eventually the existing assets/css/custom.scss might be better split up into files in _sass. Splitting up the files by purpose makes it a little easier to manage.
  2. This also starts a _includes/custom folder, which is meant to hold any include files that are not overriding something from Open SDG.
  3. For testing purposes, this turns on Google Analytics (but not for an actual GA account).
  4. This only handles Google Analytics right now, but could be tweaked to handle Hotjar or anything else.
  5. While testing, you can look in the browser console for debug text. It should print a message whenever it would normally send data to Google Analytics.