ONSdigital / sdg-theme

Jekyll Theme for Sustainable Development Goals website
MIT License
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Name this platform #5

Open brockfanning opened 5 years ago

brockfanning commented 5 years ago

We've discussed a new name for this repository, and it was suggested that we brainstorm it here. Because this will be the central repository in a suite we've been calling "the shared platform", the name of this repository will be the effective name for the platform.

Additionally, in traditional open-source fashion we would like to have a Github organisation with the same name. So if we settle on "foo", then this repository will become github.com/foo/foo.

Some requirements expressed so far:

  1. It needs to be available as a Github organisation.
  2. It needs to indicate that it's related to the SDGs. The acronym "sdg" is a clear way to do that. We also discussed "2030", but it may be too much of an insider reference.
  3. It needs to express openness in some way - ie, open-source, free, shared, etc. The word "open" is an obvious one there. Another good idea is "commons".
  4. It needs to be clear and specific enough to avoid confusion in conversation. For example if it's "sdg-platform", references to it in conversation might be mistaken for references to SDG platforms in general.

Thoughts? Let me know if any other requirements should be added to the list.

brockfanning commented 5 years ago

After a lot of time clicking through thesaurus.com, I still can't think of anything I'd like better than:

dougmet commented 5 years ago

I like open-sdg best, although every repo begins sdg- but maybe that's not an issue!

kmrebello commented 5 years ago

I like open-sdg (in conversation - the Open SDG platform) too! Seems to get at the theme of openness and is more descriptive than what we've been calling the 'shared platform'

calebdow commented 5 years ago

I vote for the Open SDG Platform as well. Gets at the open data and open source aspects of the work.

AnnCorp commented 5 years ago

My favourite is also open-sdg.