ONSdigital / sdg-theme

Jekyll Theme for Sustainable Development Goals website
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Technical design principles for shared platform #6

Open AnnCorp opened 5 years ago

AnnCorp commented 5 years ago

In a US/UK technical catchup on 15 Nov, Brock, Phil, Ann and Chris discussed developing some technical design principles to guide development and decision-making. Agreed to use the UK platform principles as a starter and refine from there - thy'reon the UK wiki pages https://github.com/ONSdigital/sdg-indicators/wiki/Design-Principles and I've pasted:

  1. Open everything
  2. Multi lingual support for every component
  3. Break things down into small functional components
  4. Content and presentation separated at all times
  5. Data can be serialised in multiple formats
  6. APIs conform to OAI standard
  7. Each component can be used independently