OOI-CabledArray / QAQC_dashboard

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Needs re-routings for links #6

Open lsetiawan opened 2 years ago

lsetiawan commented 2 years ago


Currently the dashboard doesn't reroute the app so going to direct links like https://qaqc.ooi-rca.net/plots?keyword=temperature will not resolve to the correct view. To access the dashboard, one needs to go the root url first, then you can click around and everything works, see https://qaqc.ooi-rca.net. This needs to be configured so that direct links works.

lsetiawan commented 2 years ago

The routing of error response placed on the CDN side, now routes the direct link to index.html which vue should route the url properly (See https://github.com/OOI-CabledArray/cloud-infrastructure/pull/2). However, it still doesn't work with route that uses vue-router so something need to change on the JS end here.