OOKB / mgs2017

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Multiple opening receptions for Show III #43

Closed bjornmeansbear closed 7 years ago

bjornmeansbear commented 7 years ago

On campus galleries have their opening on Friday, 4/21 — off campus galleries have their opening on 4/22 (7pm-10pm)

bjornmeansbear commented 7 years ago

related to #45

webmasterkai commented 7 years ago

This would need to be split into two ShowGroups in airtable and then combined or not when necessary on the website.

bjornmeansbear commented 7 years ago

Okay. So if I make them in Airtable, we can then discuss how to combine them where necessary?

webmasterkai commented 7 years ago

I think that's best. Sounds like another ShowGroup would solve this splitting of locations and reception dates.

webmasterkai commented 7 years ago

You could even give them both the same name value in airtable if needed.

bjornmeansbear commented 7 years ago

Okay, Show III has two receptions, at two different places. Filmmaking MFA Screenings has two receptions, but at the same place, just on the two different nights. And — Common Senses has two as well different locations AND different running dates for the show as a whole…

This is supposed to get easier each year... 💥

I updated the olds and added the new ones in AirTable

bjornmeansbear commented 7 years ago

Is something like this too complicated? screenshot 2017-02-06 12 10 25

Just printing reception/location pairings twice? Otherwise the Title, showDates, description and full student/show pairings would be there together

bjornmeansbear commented 7 years ago

Feck, but that doesn't quite work for CommonSense #45 which has multiple dates also...

webmasterkai commented 7 years ago

Did you decide how this should work?

bjornmeansbear commented 7 years ago

I at least have something to talk about... let me know when we can do that, you can throw in your 2 cents and tell me I'm crazy

webmasterkai commented 7 years ago

Pull the "child" (recL5bU5855qMhQT4 ) entity out of the database and add it to the "parent" (recy5OLOvJNnpWuAD) within the client code. Perhaps put the reception/location groupings together on a field and map on that field to create the two inner components? We agreed to try to print the student list just after each location.