OOKB / rg-client-app

Rogers and Goffigon (most) site files.
0 stars 1 forks source link

Fav/Projects short links if not copied correctly mask other people's bit.ly links too... #269

Closed bjornmeansbear closed 9 years ago

bjornmeansbear commented 9 years ago

If I copy only a small section of the link… it takes me to something else entirely. It’s really not good for any R&G link even an incorrect one to link to something that is not R&G related.. An incorrect link should go to a rogers and goffigon page with a not-found message.

http://fav.rogersandgoffigon.com/1wk vs http://fav.rogersandgoffigon.com/1wkWe vs http://fav.rogersandgoffigon.com/1wkWe5d (this one is actually one)

bjornmeansbear commented 9 years ago

Anything that can be done about this?

webmasterkai commented 9 years ago

We'd need to build our own link shortner service. Does RG want to pay for that? They want to use a domain that is too long to use with bitly so we had to build a redirect service.

bjornmeansbear commented 9 years ago

Crap. I was afraid of that.

So, one solution would be to buy another domain? like randg.co would then be able to be a legit shortening service using bit.ly that would cost them just the new url free each year.

Otherwise it's $1000 in a new feature? $2000?

webmasterkai commented 9 years ago

It would be a monthly fee instead of a one-time fee. Probably $50/mo.

bjornmeansbear commented 9 years ago

so to do this: http://support.bitly.com/knowledgebase/articles/76741-how-do-i-set-up-a-custom-short-domain-#kb

they'd need a new domain, do they need the "bit.ly branded tools" or whatever?

What's the "custom build solution"

and alternately, we could just spit out the crazy long url ...


webmasterkai commented 9 years ago

I have an idea for this.

webmasterkai commented 9 years ago

http://fav.rogersandgoffigon.com/1wXUFM0 http://fav.rogersandgoffigon.com/1wXUFM http://fav.rogersandgoffigon.com/1wXU

webmasterkai commented 9 years ago

Forwarding the long url to a custom short url.

bjornmeansbear commented 9 years ago

I think that will work for now. I'll tell them here's the immediate solution that at least doesn't take you somewhere weird, and didn't require much extra work — but we can't make it do a custom R&G "not found" page without building a custom shortening service, or without them paying for something else...

bjornmeansbear commented 9 years ago

At least it doesn't take you to some random person's flickr profile :)

webmasterkai commented 9 years ago

or some racy imgur images!

bjornmeansbear commented 9 years ago

whew. yeah. well. definitely better. thx.

webmasterkai commented 9 years ago

I'm closing this. We can make a new issue if we need to make something else specific.