OP-Engineering / op-sqlite

Fastest SQLite library for react-native by @ospfranco
MIT License
402 stars 23 forks source link

Bundle some extensions in the package #79

Open ospfranco opened 1 month ago

ospfranco commented 1 month ago

Compiling, packaging and loading extensions is complex and error prone. It would be nice if we could take care of this for the most common and used libraries so people only need to turn on a flag an everything is taken care for them.

I've already started with cr-sqlite, you would only need to add OP_SQLITE_CRSQLITE=1 to your env.

I however need more time/effort since every extension has different compilation steps and targets.

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ospfranco commented 1 month ago

cr-sqlite has been merged, as well as fts5. Other extensions might be requested but will require sponsoring (at least from my part) or PRs.