The European Single Procurement Document enables accelerated processing of preliminary evidence in EU public procurement. The ESPD EDM enables applications to integrate with national ESPD service providers.
European Union Public License 1.2
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Part IV, Section B (Specific average turnover) #11

Closed rantati7 closed 7 years ago

rantati7 commented 8 years ago

Specific average turnover

CAS must be able to define what is the minimum requirement for the average yearly turnover. Also CA must be able to define not just from how many years the average is but also from which years the average will need to be calculated.

CA must be able to define the what is means with specific (i.e. often business area of EO)

JoseLuisCueva commented 8 years ago

I recall my comments on the former issues. I agree, with the remarks of

lauramrtn commented 8 years ago

Agree with both comments.

paulakeen commented 7 years ago

Please find the details of the final decision in https://github.com/ESPD/ESPD-EDM/wiki/2.-Specific-Turnover