The European Single Procurement Document enables accelerated processing of preliminary evidence in EU public procurement. The ESPD EDM enables applications to integrate with national ESPD service providers.
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Compulsory attributes of the code elements (datatype=Code) #interproc #330

Closed konstantinosraptis91 closed 2 years ago

konstantinosraptis91 commented 2 years ago

Hello ESPD team,

I think there is an inconsistency regarding the compulsory attributes of elements classified as codes (datatype = Code) in the technical handbook v.3.0.1.

In table 1 there is a requirement that clearly says, that the current ESPD specification requires always three mandatory attributes. Those are listID, listAgencyID , listVersionID.

Στιγμιότυπο 2022-04-15, 2 38 53 μμ

but in table 3, from the definitions in the definition column, it appears that the mandatory attributes in the current version of ESPD are: listID, listAgencyName, and listVersionID. So, according to the requirement listAgencyName is not included in the mandatory attributes, but according to table 3, it is. And in table 3 listAgencyID is not marked as (MANDATORY in this version of ESPD).

Στιγμιότυπο 2022-04-15, 2 49 23 μμ

acolomer commented 2 years ago

Good morning, We thank you for the comments. We have updated the Technical Handbook (https://docs.ted.europa.eu/ESPD-EDM/3.0.1/index.html) as detailed in section Annex III. Revisions of the Document. We therefore close the ticket. Kind regards, The ESPD-EDM Team