Open tompeeszter opened 1 month ago
Thank you for raising this issue, there does seems to be a repeated term in Hungarian.
The source of this codelist entry is in article 3 in the amendment to the CVD:
The full sentence in Hungarian is "ajánlatkérő szervek vagy közszolgáltató ajánlatkérők által odaítélt, közúti járművek megvásárlására, lízingjére, bérletére vagy részletvételére vonatkozó szerződések, amennyiben azok kötelesek alkalmazni"
Does your proposed correct align with the same words/terminology?
We can try to catch this correction SDK 1.13 and the label will later be patched to 1.11 and 1.12
Yes, our proposal complies with the legislation. Thank you very much for your support and for correcting the translation of the codelist!
Thanks for confirming the codelist correction aligns with the directive. We will include this in SDK 1.13 and you'll see it later on in the patches to the previous SDKs.
We have noticed that in cvd-contract-type codlist in case of code 'veh-acq' the hungarian translation is not correct.
The english translation is:
The hungarian one:
I think the proper hungarian translation should be like 'Járműbeszerzés, -lízing vagy -bérlés'
We use SDK 1.11.1, but it also a problem in SDK 1.12. Could you please investigate this issue?
Thanks is advance!