The eProcurement Ontology provides the formal, semantic foundation for the creation and reuse of linked open data in the domain of public procurement in the EU.
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Financial Offer Value #205

Closed JachymHercher closed 1 year ago

JachymHercher commented 5 years ago

In the ontology, the definition of "Financial offer value" is "Monetary amount for which the tenderer commits to fulfil a given part of the tender."

Why does this class exist? Shouldn't rather "Tender Lot" "have" "Price" ?

muricna commented 5 years ago

Further discussion is also required on the the relation of Financial Offer Value and Financial Tender document classes. WG 06/06/2019

paulakeen commented 5 years ago

The rationale for having it as a class Financial Offer Value is:

  1. We need more than one attibute, not just "a price": Total Amount Without VAT, Total VAT Amount, Other charges, etc.
  2. As these attributes are also needed for other purposes, e.g. for the "Procurement Value" we decided to separate them into a base class than can be reused by several other sub-classes.

If we had these attributes inside the Tender Lot we'd have to duplicate them in other places, which in our modelling philosophy/method is a anti-pattern.

See the diagram "Values" in the EAP file:


JachymHercher commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure I understand. "A price" also needs a VAT, a currency, etc.? It is clear that having a reusable class called something like "Monetary Value" which would have the properties of "value", "currency", some fields on VAT, etc. is reasonable. But in the diagram above:

  1. What are "Charges"?
  2. Why does "Procurement Value" contain "Tax Included Indicator"? Shouldn't that be obvious from "Value" either having some data in "Total Vat Amount" or not?
  3. Why does "Procurement Value" contain "Overall Amount"? It seems as a duplication of a sum of the first two properties of "Value". If not, why isn't it in Value?
  4. Shouldn't there be a currency codelist?
  5. It's just a feeling, but it seems strange to have one instance of "Value" potentially containing three different numbers - overall, minimum, maximum. In that case, one instance of Procurement Value would need to point to three instances of Value.

    Wouldn't it be better to have a "Value Type" codelist, where you specify whether a value is minimal, maximal, final, etc.? Or, rather, taking into account https://github.com/eprocurementontology/eprocurementontology/issues/137#issuecomment-509648171, shouldn't this be expressed as predicates, i.e. "has value", "has minimal value", "has maximal value" etc.? This could also distinguish properties such as "has estimated value" vs. "has value".

paulakeen commented 5 years ago

0: About your first introductory sentence:

1: About "Charges": this attribute (an Amount, too) was suggested by Andrea, the CEN Chairman, and Cécile, as it is used also in eInvoicing. Apparently some Monetary Values are charged not only with VAT but sometimes also with one unspecified "other charges" amount. In Italy and Spain, for instance, the publication of the procurement documents (including all the notices and everything) in the official gazettes are charged to the winner.

2: About the need for the VAT Indicator in Procurement Value: a 0% value in the class "Monetary Value" does not entail that there's not VAT defined. Think of situations where the VAT exists and is of type "0%", for example. In Spain, at least, that is the case for educational services (teaching is charged with 0% VAT type).

  1. If it was in Value (Monetary Value) then all the descendant classes would inherit it, and it is not need it for all descendants, e.g. the tenderer Financial Offer Value does not need this OverallAmount property.

  2. Yes, it should. And we have it. It's named "currency", but it was difficult to represent it in the diagram as it is connected to the "attribute" currencyID of each "attribute" Amount...we'll workaround this representational issue in the Diagrams (see figure below).

  3. Your suggestion of having three "object properties" (links) between the class "Procurement Value" and "Monetary Value" is perfectly aligned to the design rule of not having them as "data properties" inside the class when possible. YOU UNDERSTOOD VERY WELL OUR DESIGN METHODOLY, in this case!!! Thank you. So we've changed this in our diagram. This means that, as you point out in your bullet Nº 5, three differents instances of Monetary Value will be necessary as the "ranges" of the new object properties "hasOverallAmount", "hasMinimumAmount" and "hasMaximumAmount".


WG Approval 11/07/2019

JachymHercher commented 5 years ago

0 & 1 & 4 - Clear, thank you. 2 Clear. (This could perhaps be distinguished by "missing" vs. "0", but indeed, it's better to do it explicitly.) 3 Not clear, yet. May I ask what is the definition or use case of "OverallAmount"? 5 What about estimated value? (In eForms, this essentially means "a value estimated when publishing the call for competition") What about any combinations (e.g. estimated value; estimated maximum; estimated minimum),

JachymHercher commented 5 years ago

(May I ask you to reopen the issue, please? Just not to forget about it.)

eprocurementontology commented 3 years ago

Financial Offer Value no longer exists in the ontology but we are revisiting how amounts and values are to be treated.

andreea-pasare commented 1 year ago

In ePO v4.0.0-rc.1 the Monetary Value is modeled as depicted below: image

This is just one of the monetary values diagrams. For further diagrams you can consult the specific folder from the release: image