OP-TED / model2owl

Transform UML into a formal OWL ontology and SHACL shapes
European Union Public License 1.2
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epo:ResultNotice is defined in restrictions but not in the core #114

Closed dachafra closed 2 years ago

dachafra commented 2 years ago

The class epo:ResultNotice is defined in the restrictions file but not in the core.

costezki commented 2 years ago
  1. When the Notice is generated (this is a TED-SWS issue to be implemented), import the core ontology and notice extension.
  2. Fix the wrong namespace "http://unknown.domain/for/prefix#ResultNotice" in the generated module. This is done by augmenting the list of known/defined prefixes in the configurations file.
andreea-pasare commented 2 years ago

In the prefixes configuration file (https://github.com/OP-TED/model2owl/blob/master/config/ePO-default/namespaces.xml):

Please let me know if there are other unknown prefixes so we can handle those as well.

costezki commented 2 years ago

The prefix issue is fixed. The update will be reflected in the next delivery. The definition of epo:ResultNotice has been clarified with David.