OP-TED / model2owl

Transform UML into a formal OWL ontology and SHACL shapes
European Union Public License 1.2
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Property "hasAvailabilityRestriction" #61

Closed giorgialodi closed 4 years ago

giorgialodi commented 4 years ago

There are two properties named "hasAvailabilityRestriction": one with domain Channel and another one with domain ContactPoint. Probably it should be one property with domain Channel or ContactPoint and range OpeningHoursSpecification

costezki commented 4 years ago

does this issue still persist in the new version?

giorgialodi commented 4 years ago

Hi Eugen, I will be able to check it as soon as the OWL files are updated at the eprocurement repository, following your latest fixes :) I will ask about that in today's call. Thanks a lot for the effort!

giorgialodi commented 4 years ago

I still see the issue.

So now I have a doubt: are we sure that the OWL files produced yesterday are using your latest fixes? @jseguraf

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jseguraf commented 4 years ago


As I said in the email, I used the latest version of the script. Before generating the OWL files, I did a pull from GitHub to be sure that I was using the latest version.

giorgialodi commented 4 years ago

@jseguraf I've understood this specific issue and case (the others remain a mistery wrt the doubt mentioned above!). One is written hasAvailabilityRestriction and the other one is wrongly written hasAvaliabilityRestriction. I think the error is in the UML diagram as well. Fixing it there should be fine to really close this issue

costezki commented 4 years ago

Nicely spotted Giorgia. Thank you.

jseguraf commented 3 years ago

I already fixed the typo in v2.0.1. I will produced a new version of the OWL files after today's meeting.