OP-TED / ted-rdf-mapping-eforms

TED-RDF Mapping Suites for eForms Notices
European Union Public License 1.2
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Handling temporary predicates #33

Open cristianvasquez opened 4 months ago

cristianvasquez commented 4 months ago

There is an Ontology Working Group (ePO WG) and several RDF mapping efforts. During these mapping exercises, new properties and classes are often discovered while inspecting the data, and this information should be fed back to the ePO WG.

This process is normal and desirable. However, incorporating these changes into the model takes time for the ePO WG, and we don't necessarily want the mapping efforts to be delayed by these updates.

How can we enable the co-evolution of mappings and ontology without losing track of the discovered properties?

I imagine something like this:

Keeping track:

Create a separate mapping file specifically for temporary predicates, using a provisional namespace, for example, http://data.europa.eu/a4g-provisional/ontology#.

This file will contain the new properties and classes that are discovered during the mapping exercises but have not yet been incorporated into the main ontology. For each new property, add a comment explaining why it was added, its intended use, and a reference to the corresponding GitHub issue.

Draft Property: ex:temporaryPredicate
Reason: Needed for mapping X data
GitHub Issue: https://github.com/ontology/repo/issues/123


Periodically review and update this file to reflect any changes or discoveries. The file is shared with the ePO WG for review and potential incorporation into the main ontology.

Another option might be to add the draft properties directly into mapping files but comment them out. This allows us to activate them once they are officially included in the ontology.

Please share your thoughts and suggestions on this approach