In competition Notices according to the ontology the CompetitionNotice announcesRole and the ResultNotice refersToRole or in other cases announcesRole this is not reflected in the mapping. The same can be said for announcesProcedure and refersToProcedure.
The ontology should be informed that the Notice refersToProcedure predicate should be from ResultNotice
This comment applies to all of section I and it is up to the contractor to ensure the other sections are correct for other forms and for other classes such as Lot
Ensure that all the mappings will use the appropriate properties to create relationship on the different Notice types, as specified in the latest version of EPO (i.e. check all properties originating from a notice, check EPO to see how they vary, based on the different Notice subclasses, and update conceptual and technical mappings to conform to the EPO model).
This issue was reported by @muricna in a comment to issue #238 :
Ensure that all the mappings will use the appropriate properties to create relationship on the different Notice types, as specified in the latest version of EPO (i.e. check all properties originating from a notice, check EPO to see how they vary, based on the different Notice subclasses, and update conceptual and technical mappings to conform to the EPO model).