Closed 21212124 closed 4 years ago
where is the code that the Hello World example or another example uses to go from NW to SC
@jforissier I know that input to the monitor can be activated by executing a dedicated instruction, the Secure Monitor Call (SMC) instruction, or the IRQ, FIQ exceptions. Do you know how the hello world example is done? Or who variable activates it?
Hello @21212124, Maybe you should have a look at LCU14-103: How to create and run Trusted Applications on OP-TEE and HKG15-311 - OP-TEE for Beginners and Porting Review. You should find other informattion from OP-TEE presentations refs and more generally in OP-TEE documentation at
@etienne-lms when TEEC_FinalizeContext () and TEEC_InitializeContext () enter "TEE Driver" invoke an ioctl call?
I think almost all TEEC_XxxxxXxxxx() API functions do perform an ioctl to OP-TEE driver in the kernel.
TEEC_InitializeContext(), calling teec_open_dev() do ioctls to the TEE driver in the Linux kernel. TEEC_FinalizeContext() only closes the opened Linux device handle.
@etienne-lms ioctl is the only system call that uses the client API to access the secure monitor? are there some more?
thanks for helping me
Yes, OP-TEE Client library uses IOCTLs to request services from the Linux kernel OP-TEE driver. OP-TEE drivers is registered in the TEE driver framework, you will find the supported IOCTLs from the Linux kernel tee_core.c source file. Most of these IOCTLs end in Linux kernel invoking the secure world.
As far as I known, the only other syscall that can lead to an invocation of the secure world is the device close
function. When called, the Linux kernel (I mean the OP-TEE Linux driver) will likely invoke secure world to notify that some allocated resources can be freed (session context, shared memory references, etc...).
@etienne-lms when TA_CreateEntryPoint is called? when TEEC_InitializeContext is called does the TEE framework call TA_CreateEntryPoint?
finds OP-TEE interface.
invokes the TA. It does many things, see below.
obviously invokes the TA for a specific command with parameters.
invokes the TA to close the client session.
releases allocated OP-TEE interface resources.
do not invoke the TA but may invoke OP-TEE Core to register references.
does many things.
If the target TA is not already loaded, this function will make OP-TEE Core and Linux exchaging to get the TA loaded in secure world and its TA_CreateEntryPoint
entry executed.
Upon TEEC_OpenSession()
, once TA instance created/found, its TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint
entry is executed.
Similarly TEEC_CloseSession()
may lead to TA instance being unloaded and destroyed from secure world in which case TA_DestroyEntryPoint
is called after session closure.
Below a sumup of client app (CA) calls and trusted app (TA) entry points:
CA TEEC_OpenSession()
--> TA TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint
, possibly TA_CreateEntryPoint
CA TEEC_InvokeCommand()
--> TA TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint
CA TEEC_CloseSession()
--> TA TA_CloseSessionEntryPoint
, possibly TA_DestroyEntryPoint
This is a trace of the optee_example_hello_world() function lifecycle showing all the functions calls (entry and exit) in normal world and secure world for TEEC_InvokeCommand entry point. Ignore the timestamp data in the middle column. The last column shows the context the current function is invoked (user space, cl;ient API, driver, secure OS) vs where the control lands after the function call. This doesn't show the order in which the NW and SW functions are interleaved. Working on that.
NW trace:
TEEC_InvokeCommand entry (946382063) Client user app, client TEE API
TEE_IOC_INVOKE entry 946432016 TEE Client API, TEE driver (IOCTL)
[ 12.512973] optee_smcc_smc entry 946516160 TEE Driver, SMC
[ 12.514138] optee_smcc_smc exit 946588845 TEE Driver, SMC
[ 12.514667] tee_ioctl_invoke entry 946620909 IOCTL, TEE Linux driver
[ 12.515213] optee_invoke_func entry IOCTL, Linux TEE driver
[ 12.515417] optee_do_call_with_arg
SMCC OPTEE MSG 946669254 Linux TEE driver, OPTEE Secure OS
[ 12.515641] optee_smcc_smc entry 946683285 TEE Driver, SMC
[ 12.521518] optee_smcc_smc exit 947050370 TEE Driver, SMC
[ 12.521735] OPTEE Secure OS exit 947064125 OPTEE Secure OS, Linux TEE driver,
[ 12.521947] optee_invoke_func exit Linux TEE driver, TEE Client API
TEE_IOC_INVOKE exit 947148629 TEE driver (IOCTL), TEE Client API
[ 12.524133] optee_smcc_smc entry 947213668 TEE Driver, SMC
[ 12.525194] optee_smcc_smc exit 947279845 TEE Driver, SMC
TEEC_InvokeCommand exit (947307714) client TEE API, Client user app
SW trace:
D/TC:0 0 call_entry_std:169 tee_entry_std entry 946720638 optee OS, TEE Internal API
D/TC:? 0 __tee_entry_std:574 entry_invoke_command entry 946737484 tee internal api, tee internal api
I/TA: TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint entry user mode TA
D/TA: inc_value:111 has been called
I/TA: Got value: 42 from NW
I/TA: Got timestamp value 1073862672 from NW
I/TA: Increase value to: 43
I/TA: TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint leave user mode TA
D/TC:? 0 __tee_entry_std:578 entry_invoke_command leave 947000436 tee internal api, tee internal api
D/TC:? 0 call_entry_std:177 tee_entry_std leave 947017418 TEE Internal API, optee OS
Hi, I want to know where is the code that the Hello World example or another example uses to go from NW to SC, what call does it make to the SMC? What interruption does Qemu do? Thanks