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Client subscription does not segments requests on reconnexion #131

Open Alex6092 opened 7 years ago

Alex6092 commented 7 years ago

The sample client library's reconnexion code does not segments its requests. It can exceed bindings limits when there are many items in a subscription. In that case, reconnexion can fail silently.

We propose the following correction in the file /SampleApplications/SampleLibraries/Client/Subscription.cs, line around 831, function Create :

            // For big subscriptions, the create requests should be splitted in several
            // smaller ones. The limit seems to be between 30k and 40k for our use cases,
            // so splitting in requests of 1000 items should be sufficient. We do not split
            // inside CreateItems to modify only reconnection code, as the other paths are
            // already handled by upper layers in our classes. Our goal here is to keep
            // SDK modifications as small as possible.

            // First, copy the item map in order to refill it:
            int iTotalCount = m_monitoredItems.Count;
            if (iTotalCount != 0)
                KeyValuePair<uint, MonitoredItem>[] arrayItems = new KeyValuePair<uint, MonitoredItem>[iTotalCount];
                m_monitoredItems.CopyTo(arrayItems, 0);

                // Then refill it:
                m_monitoredItems = new SortedDictionary<uint, MonitoredItem>();
                int iItem = 0;
                while (iItem < iTotalCount)
                    int iCurrent;
                    for (iCurrent = iItem; iCurrent < iTotalCount && iCurrent - iItem < 1000; ++iCurrent)
                        m_monitoredItems.Add(arrayItems[iCurrent].Key, arrayItems[iCurrent].Value);
                    iItem = iCurrent;
