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Retrying connection to opcua Server #477

Open vrushalikatkade opened 1 year ago

vrushalikatkade commented 1 year ago

In node opcua server connection ,the following function will retrying to connect opc ua server ,if it is not available. " client.on("backoff", () => console.log("retrying connection"));"

which function is used for retrying server connection in UA-.NETStandard. please mention the example

mregen commented 1 year ago

@vrushalikatkade Sorry, currently the SDK has no support for such function.

vrushalikatkade commented 1 year ago

@mregen thanks for reply, actually i have windows service for connecting opcua server. in this service , after starting the computer the service try to connect to the server ,but if server is unavailable , then this function throws exception . I want wait for server connection until server active i used following code log.writelog("2 - Discover endpoints of OPC UA server."); Uri endpointURI = new Uri(server.EndPointUrl); var endpointCollection = DiscoverEndpoints(config, endpointURI, 10); var selectedEndpoint = SelectUaTcpEndpoint(endpointCollection, certOK);

                        log.writelog("3 - Create a session with OPC UA server.");
                        var endpointConfiguration = EndpointConfiguration.Create(config);
                        var endpoint = new ConfiguredEndpoint(selectedEndpoint.Server, endpointConfiguration);

var session =await Opc.Ua.Client.Session.Create(config, endpoint, true, session1.Name, 60000, null, null); session.KeepAlive += Client_KeepAlive; session.TransferSubscriptionsOnReconnect = true;

mregen commented 1 year ago

@vrushalikatkade yes you can retry calling Session.Create, or you could retry calling SelectEndpoint which internally tries to reach the discovery endpoint until no timeout or exception occurs.

vrushalikatkade commented 1 year ago

in Session.Create() function timeout set to 60000 but it will not wait for the server active within second through exception exception: Opc.Ua.ServiceResultException HResult=0x80131500 Message=Error establishing a connection: BadNotConnected Source=Opc.Ua.Core StackTrace: at Opc.Ua.Bindings.ChannelAsyncOperation`1.End(Int32 timeout, Boolean throwOnError) at Opc.Ua.Bindings.UaSCUaBinaryClientChannel.EndSendRequest(IAsyncResult result) at Opc.Ua.DiscoveryClient.GetEndpoints(RequestHeader requestHeader, String endpointUrl, StringCollection localeIds, StringCollection profileUris, EndpointDescriptionCollection& endpoints) at Opc.Ua.DiscoveryClient.GetEndpoints(StringCollection profileUris) at Opc.Ua.ConfiguredEndpoint.UpdateFromServer(Uri endpointUrl, ITransportWaitingConnection connection, MessageSecurityMode securityMode, String securityPolicyUri) at Opc.Ua.ConfiguredEndpoint.UpdateFromServer() at Opc.Ua.Client.Session.d83.MoveNext() at Opc.Ua.Client.Session.d84.MoveNext() at OPCUAConnector.Server_connection.d__5.MoveNext() in