OPENDAP / libdap4

A new version of libdap that contains both DAP2 and DAP4 support
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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DAP4: Attribute containers are being transmitted with type="Container" which is incorrect #260

Open ndp-opendap opened 1 month ago

ndp-opendap commented 1 month ago


At the end of the response is an Attribute container element:

    <Attribute name="NC_GLOBAL" type="Container">

However the section 1.5.14 of the specification says:

Attributes may also serve as containers for other attributes (and other containers). In this case, no type is specified, only a name.

And there is no explicit Attribute type of Container rather for container type Attributes omit the XML type attribute:

<define name="attribute">
    <ref name="atomicattribute"/>
    <ref name="containerattribute"/>

<define name="atomicattribute">
  <element name="Attribute">
      <attribute name="name"><data type="dap4_id"/></attribute>
        Semantic constraint: type must be compatible
        with the set of attribute value types
      <attribute name="type">
          <ref name="namespace"/>
               <element name="Value">
                  <attribute name="value">
                  <choice> <!-- technical ambiguity -->
                      <data type="dap4_integer"/>
                      <data type="dap4_float"/>
                      <data type="dap4_opaque"/>
                      <data type="dap4_char"/>
                      <data type="dap4_string"/>
                      <data type="dap4_fqn"/> <!-- for enum types -->
     <element name="Value"><data type="dap4_text"/></element>

<define name="containerattribute">
  <element name="Attribute">
    <attribute name="name"><data type="dap4_id"/></attribute>
    <ref name="attribute"/>

Additionally the use of top level Attribute containers like NC_GLOBAL is obviated by DAP4. The TDS returns all of the child Attributes found in the Hyrax NC_GLOBAL container as top level Attributes: