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turning off a well with defaulted injection rate is wrong #1208

Closed GitPaean closed 6 years ago

GitPaean commented 6 years ago

injection well should be able to work with only BHP control.

 652                 if ( ! well->getAllowCrossFlow() && (properties.surfaceInjectionRate == 0) ) {
 653                     std::string msg =
 654                             "Well " + well->name() + " is an injector with zero rate where crossflow is banned. " +
 655                             "This well will be closed at " + std::to_string ( m_timeMap.getTimePassedUntil(currentStep) / (60*60*24) ) + " days";
 656                     m_messages.note(msg);
 657                     std::cout << msg << std::endl;
 658                     updateWellStatus( *well, currentStep, WellCommon::StatusEnum::SHUT );
 659                 }

I will provide a fix.

GitPaean commented 6 years ago

A fix was suggested in #1209.