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Update the set-keyword-status script #227

Closed hakonhagland closed 2 months ago

hakonhagland commented 3 months ago

Updated the fodt-set-keyword-status script to also handle the case when keyword is specific to OPM flow:


when the keyword is specific to OPM flow, the text "OPM Flow" is shown in the table as shown in the screenshot above. The script can now be run like this:

$  fodt-set-ketword-status --keyword=CSKIN --color=green --opm-flow

to put the text "OPM Flow" or just omit the flag --opm-flow to remove the text "OPM Flow".

Thanks to @gdfldm for the suggestion.

@gdfldm Can you test this?

lisajulia commented 2 months ago

I tested "fodt-set-keyword-status --keyword=CSKIN --color=green --opm-flow" and received: No such option: --color

Then: fodt-set-keyword-status --help

Gave me:

  Change the status of a keyword in Appendix A.

  --maindir TEXT  Directory to save generated files.
  --keyword TEXT  Keyword to change status for.  [required]
  --status TEXT   New status for keyword.  [required]
  --opm-flow      Flow specific keyword
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Is there something else I need to do?

hakonhagland commented 2 months ago

@lisajulia Thanks for noticing, I have changed the option name from --status to --color so it should agree with the explanation in the README.md.