Closed OPMUSER closed 6 years ago
I'm currently working on this: this is achieved automatically by switching to the eWoms parameter system as decided at this year's developer meeting in Oslo. You can have a preview of the functionality using ebos --help
(the ebos
binary is part of ewoms).
How do you install ebos under a Unbuntu system?
Clevely hidden as sudo apt install ebos
Yes, that works.
So are you incorporating all the options listed in the 2017-10 manual? I just want to ensure that program and the manual are consistent. If not let me know and I'll update the manual accordingly.
I have doubts about whether it is worthwhile to document all parameters in the manual individually: in #1512 there are currently 130+ of them and we want some flexibility in the parameter definition because OPM is not yet in a "fixes only" development mode. It would be good if you mentioned -h
in the handbook, though.
I only have 44 flow command line options documented in the manual how did you get 130+?
If indeed there are over 130 then for the time being we should just document the ones currently documented in the manual as they appear to be more user orientated.
after #1512 you get this:
> ./bin/flow --help
Usage: ./bin/flow [OPTIONS] [ECL_DECK_FILENAME]
ebos, the Ecl Black-Oil reservoir Simulator. A program to process ECL input files.
Recognized options:
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
--ecl-deck-file-name=VALUE The name of the file which contains the ECL deck to be simulated
--ecl-output-dir=VALUE The directory to which the ECL result files are written
--ecl-output-double-precision=BOOLEAN Tell the output writer to use double precision. Useful for 'perfect' restarts
--ecl-output-interval=INTEGER The number of report steps that ought to be skipped between two writes of ECL results
--enable-async-ecl-output=BOOLEAN Write the ECL-formated results in a non-blocking way (i.e., using a separate thread).
--enable-async-vtk-output=BOOLEAN Dispatch a separate thread to write the VTK output
--enable-ecl-output=BOOLEAN Write binary output which is compatible with the commercial Eclipse simulator
--enable-gravity=BOOLEAN Use the gravity correction for the pressure gradients.
--enable-grid-adaptation=BOOLEAN Enable adaptive grid refinement/coarsening
--enable-intensive-quantity-cache=BOOLEAN Turn on caching of intensive quantities
--enable-storage-cache=BOOLEAN Store previous storage terms and avoid re-calculating them.
--enable-thermodynamic-hints=BOOLEAN Enable thermodynamic hints
--enable-vtk-output=BOOLEAN Global switch for turing on writing VTK files
--enable-write-all-solutions=BOOLEAN Write all solutions to disk instead of only the ones for the report steps
--end-time=SCALAR The simulation time at which the simulation is finished [s]
--flow-d-well-fraction-max=SCALAR Maximum absolute change of a well's volume fraction in a single iteration
--flow-dbph-max-rel=SCALAR Maximum relative change of the bottom-hole pressure in a single iteration
--flow-dp-max-rel=SCALAR Maximum relative change of pressure in a single iteration
--flow-dr-max-rel=SCALAR Maximum relative change of the gas-in-oil or oil-in-gas ratio in a single iteration
--flow-ds-max=SCALAR Maximum absolute change of any saturation in a single iteration
--flow-enable-adaptive-time-stepping=BOOLEAN Use adaptive time stepping between report steps
--flow-enable-dry-run=VALUE Specify if the simulation ought to be actually run, or just pretended to be
--flow-enable-terminal-output=BOOLEAN Print high-level information about the simulation's progress to the terminal
--flow-enable-tuning=BOOLEAN Honor some aspects of the TUNING keyword.
--flow-full-time-step-initially=BOOLEAN Always attempt to finish a report step using a single substep
--flow-ilu-fillin-level=INTEGER The fill-in level of the linear solver's ILU preconditioner
--flow-ilu-relaxation=SCALAR The relaxation factor of the linear solver's ILU preconditioner
--flow-initial-time-step-in-days=SCALAR The size of the initial time step in days
--flow-linear-solver-ignore-convergence-failure=BOOLEAN Continue with the simulation like nothing happened after the linear solver did not converge
--flow-linear-solver-max-iter=INTEGER The maximum number of iterations of the linear solver
--flow-linear-solver-reduction=SCALAR The minimum reduction of the residual which the linear solver must achieve
--flow-linear-solver-require-full-sparsity-pattern=BOOLEAN Produce the full sparsity pattern for the linear solver
--flow-linear-solver-restart=INTEGER The number of iterations after which GMRES is restarted
--flow-linear-solver-verbosity=INTEGER The verbosity level of the linear solver (0: off, 2: all)
--flow-matrix-add-well-contributions=BOOLEAN Explicitly specify the influences of wells between cells in the Jacobian and preconditioner matrices
--flow-max-inner-iter-ms-wells=INTEGER Maximum number of inner iterations for multi-segment wells
--flow-max-pressure-change-ms-wells=SCALAR Maximum relative pressure change for a single iteration of the multi-segment well model
--flow-max-residual-allowed=SCALAR Absolute maximum tolerated for residuals without cutting the time step size
--flow-max-single-precision-days=SCALAR Maximum time step size where single precision floating point arithmetic can be used solving for the linear systems of equations
--flow-max-strict-iter=INTEGER Maximum number of Newton iterations before relaxed tolerances are used for the CNV convergence criterion
--flow-max-welleq-iter=INTEGER Maximum number of iterations to determine solution the well equations
--flow-newton-max-iterations=SCALAR The maximum number of Newton iterations per time step used by flow
--flow-newton-max-relax=SCALAR The maximum relaxation factor of a Newton iteration used by flow
--flow-newton-min-iterations=SCALAR The minimum number of Newton iterations per time step used by flow
--flow-newton-relaxation-type=VALUE The type of relaxation used by flow's Newton method
--flow-output-interval=INTEGER Specify the number of report steps between two consecutive writes of restart data
--flow-output-mode=VALUE Specify which messages are going to be printed. Valid values are: none, log, all (default)
--flow-preconditioner-add-well-contributions=BOOLEAN Explicitly specify the influences of wells between cells for the preconditioner matrix only
--flow-solve-welleq-initially=BOOLEAN Fully solve the well equations before each iteration of the reservoir model
--flow-solver-growth-factor=SCALAR The factor time steps are elongated after a successful substep
--flow-solver-max-growth=SCALAR The maximum factor time steps are elongated after a report step
--flow-solver-max-restarts=INTEGER The maximum number of breakdowns before a substep is given up and the simulator is terminated
--flow-solver-max-time-step-in-days=SCALAR The maximum size of a time step in days
--flow-solver-restart-factor=SCALAR The factor time steps are elongated after restarts
--flow-solver-verbosity=INTEGER Specify the "chattiness" of the non-linear solver itself
--flow-time-step-after-event-in-days=SCALAR Time step size of the first time step after an event occurs during the simulation in days
--flow-time-step-control=VALUE The algorithm used to determine time-step sizes. valid options are: 'pid' (default), 'pid+iteration', 'pid+newtoniteration', 'iterationcount' and 'hardcoded'
--flow-time-step-control-decay-rate=SCALAR The decay rate of the time step size of the number of target iterations is exceeded
--flow-time-step-control-file-name=VALUE The name of the file which contains the hardcoded time steps sizes
--flow-time-step-control-growth-rate=SCALAR The growth rate of the time step size of the number of target iterations is undercut
--flow-time-step-control-target-iterations=INTEGER The number of linear iterations which the time step control scheme should aim for (if applicable)
--flow-time-step-control-target-newton-iterations=INTEGER The number of Newton iterations which the time step control scheme should aim for (if applicable)
--flow-time-step-control-tolerance=SCALAR The tolerance used by the time step size control algorithm
--flow-time-step-verbosity=INTEGER Specify the "chattiness" during the time integration
--flow-tolerance-cnv=SCALAR Local convergence tolerance (Maximum of local saturation errors)
--flow-tolerance-cnv-relaxed=SCALAR Relaxed local convergence tolerance that applies for iterations after the iterations with the strict tolerance
--flow-tolerance-mb=SCALAR Tolerated mass balance error relative to total mass present
--flow-tolerance-pressure-ms-wells=SCALAR Tolerance for the pressure equations for multi-segment wells
--flow-tolerance-well-control=SCALAR Tolerance for the well control equations
--flow-tolerance-wells=SCALAR Well convergence tolerance
--flow-update-equations-scaling=BOOLEAN Update scaling factors for mass balance equations during the run
--flow-use-amg=BOOLEAN Use AMG as the linear solver's preconditioner
--flow-use-cpr=BOOLEAN Use CPR as the linear solver's preconditioner
--flow-use-gmres=BOOLEAN Use GMRES as the linear solver
--flow-use-inner-iterations-ms-wells=BOOLEAN Use nested iterations for multi-segment wells
--flow-use-multisegment-well=BOOLEAN Use the well model for multi-segment wells instead of the one for single-segment wells
--flow-use-update-stabilization=BOOLEAN Try to detect and correct oscillations or stagnation during the Newton method
--initial-time-step-size=SCALAR The size of the initial time step [s]
--linear-solver-max-error=SCALAR The maximum residual error which the linear solver tolerates without giving up
--linear-solver-max-iterations=INTEGER The maximum number of iterations of the linear solver
--linear-solver-overlap-size=INTEGER The size of the algebraic overlap for the linear solver
--linear-solver-tolerance=SCALAR The maximum allowed error between of the linear solver
--linear-solver-verbosity=INTEGER The verbosity level of the linear solver
--max-time-step-divisions=INTEGER The maximum number of divisions by two of the timestep size before the simulation bails out
--max-time-step-size=SCALAR The maximum size to which all time steps are limited to [s]
--min-time-step-size=SCALAR The minimum size to which all time steps are limited to [s]
--newton-max-error=SCALAR The maximum error tolerated by the Newton method to which does not cause an abort
--newton-max-iterations=INTEGER The maximum number of Newton iterations per time step
--newton-raw-tolerance=SCALAR The maximum raw error tolerated by the Newtonmethod for considering a solution to be converged
--newton-target-iterations=INTEGER The 'optimum' number of Newton iterations per time step
--newton-verbose=BOOLEAN Specify whether the Newton method should inform the user about its progress or not
--newton-write-convergence=BOOLEAN Write the convergence behaviour of the Newton method to a VTK file
--parameter-file=VALUE An .ini file which contains a set of run-time parameters
--preconditioner-relaxation=SCALAR The relaxation factor of the preconditioner
--predetermined-time-steps-file=VALUE A file with a list of predetermined time step sizes (one time step per line)
--print-parameters=INTEGER Print the values of the run-time parameters at the start of the simulation
--print-properties=INTEGER Print the values of the compile time properties at the start of the simulation
--restart-time=SCALAR The simulation time at which a restart should be attempted [s]
--restart-writing-interval=INTEGER The frequencies of which time steps are serialized to disk
--threads-per-process=INTEGER The maximum number of threads to be instantiated per process ('-1' means 'automatic')
--vtk-write-average-molar-masses=BOOLEAN Include the average phase mass in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-densities=BOOLEAN Include the phase densities in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-dof-index=BOOLEAN Include the index of the degrees of freedom into the VTK output files
--vtk-write-extrusion-factor=BOOLEAN Include the extrusion factor of the degrees of freedom into the VTK output files
--vtk-write-filter-velocities=BOOLEAN Include in the filter velocities of the phases the VTK output files
--vtk-write-fugacities=BOOLEAN Include component fugacities in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-fugacity-coeffs=BOOLEAN Include component fugacity coefficients in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-gas-dissolution-factor=BOOLEAN Include the gas dissolution factor (R_s) of the observed oil in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-gas-formation-volume-factor=BOOLEAN Include the gas formation volume factor (B_g) in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-gas-saturation-pressure=BOOLEAN Include the saturation pressure of gas (p_g,sat) in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-intrinsic-permeabilities=BOOLEAN Include the intrinsic permeability in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-mass-fractions=BOOLEAN Include mass fractions in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-mobilities=BOOLEAN Include the phase mobilities in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-molarities=BOOLEAN Include component molarities in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-mole-fractions=BOOLEAN Include mole fractions in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-oil-formation-volume-factor=BOOLEAN Include the oil formation volume factor (B_o) in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-oil-saturation-pressure=BOOLEAN Include the saturation pressure of oil (p_o,sat) in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-oil-vaporization-factor=BOOLEAN Include the oil vaporization factor (R_v) of the observed gas in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-porosity=BOOLEAN Include the porosity in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-potential-gradients=BOOLEAN Include the phase pressure potential gradients in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-pressures=BOOLEAN Include the phase pressures in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-primary-vars=BOOLEAN Include the primary variables into the VTK output files
--vtk-write-primary-vars-meaning=BOOLEAN Include how the primary variables should be interpreted to the VTK output files
--vtk-write-process-rank=BOOLEAN Include the MPI process rank into the VTK output files
--vtk-write-relative-permeabilities=BOOLEAN Include the phase relative permeabilities in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-saturated-gas-oil-vaporization-factor=BOOLEAN Include the oil vaporization factor (R_v,sat) of oil saturated gas in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-saturated-oil-gas-dissolution-factor=BOOLEAN Include the gas dissolution factor (R_s,sat) of gas saturated oil in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-saturation-ratios=BOOLEAN Write the ratio of the actually and maximum dissolved component of the mixtures
--vtk-write-saturations=BOOLEAN Include the phase saturations in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-temperature=BOOLEAN Include the temperature in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-total-mass-fractions=BOOLEAN Include total mass fractions in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-total-mole-fractions=BOOLEAN Include total mole fractions in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-viscosities=BOOLEAN Include component phase viscosities in the VTK output files
--vtk-write-water-formation-volume-factor=BOOLEAN Include the water formation volume factor (B_w) in the VTK output files
IOW, 135 parameters. Most of them should come from core ebos, but maybe you missed a few in the handbook.
I only have 44 flow command line options documented in the manual how did you get 130+?
If indeed there are over 130 then for the time being we should just document the ones currently documented in the manual as they appear to be more user orientated.
Okay, I'll keep the old version for and add this set in as well for flow-ebos and for version 2018-10 in case people use both. Once 2018-10 is out I'll delete the flow entries from the manual.
You can close the ticket if you wish.
Add the help option to the flow binary command line, as per the standard on Linux/Unix systems that is:
flow -h
orflow -help
Should list out all the command line options with associated options.