In the main processor, Int_CTP adjusts the RTM temperature profile by extrapolating the lapse rate above the tropopause, which enables us to put overshoots at approximately the right height and also prevents lower altitude clouds from being placed into the stratosphere.
However, if the First Guess is set via the driver file: Ctrl%FG(IPc, :) = SelmCtrl;SelmCtrl;SelmCtrl for example
Then the Int_CTP code is not called, as X_MDAD logic doesn't trigger (it appears the index in this function is always 4/IFr when the FG is set via the driver).
This should be changed, as in most cases we want to interpolate the tropopause temp.
I have a fudged solution in my X_MDAD code:
status = 0
! Find 11 and 12 micron indices
Y_Id = Ctrl%Ind%Y_Id(SPixel%spixel_y_to_ctrl_y_index(1:SPixel%Ind%Ny))
i_spixel_06 = find_in_array(Y_Id, Ctrl%Ind%Y_Id_legacy(I_legacy_0_6x))
i_spixel_11 = find_in_array(Y_Id, Ctrl%Ind%Y_Id_legacy(I_legacy_11_x))
i_spixel_06_solar = find_in_array(SPixel%Ind%YSolar(1:SPixel%Ind%NSolar), &
call Int_CTP(SPixel, Ctrl, SPixel%Ym(i_spixel_11), X_dump, status)
! Parameters supported are Tau, Pc and f.
select case (index)
case (ITau, ITau2) ! Cloud optical depth, Tau
if (SPixel%Illum(1) == IDay .and. i_spixel_06_solar > 0) then
! Calculate overcast reflectance (assuming fully cloudy pixel).
! Uses channel nearest 0.67 microns, index Ctrl%Ind%MDAD_SW.
Ref_o = SPixel%Ym(i_spixel_06) - SPixel%Surface%Rs(i_spixel_06_solar)
! Convert albedo (range 0 - 1) into index (range 1 to 10)
! Use the first SEC_o value, assuming that all values are quite close
! and we only need an approximation for first guess setting.
iFGOP = int( ( Ref_o * SPixel%Geom%SEC_o(1) * 10.0 ) + 1.5 )
if (iFGOP > 11) then
iFGOP = 11
else if (iFGOP < 1) then
iFGOP = 1
end if
if (present(Err)) Err = MDADErrTau
else ! Can't calculate Tau unless it's daylight
write(*,*)'ERROR: X_MDAD(): Cant calculate Tau unless its daylight'
status = XMDADMeth
end if
case (IPc, IPc2) ! Cloud pressure, Pc
if (i_spixel_11 > 0) then
if (SPixel%Ym(i_spixel_11) /= MissingXn) then
! Interpolate for the BT to the rad. profile to get Pc FG/AP
!call Int_CTP(SPixel, Ctrl, SPixel%Ym(i_spixel_11), X, status)
X = X_dump
if (present(Err)) Err = MDADErrPc
! Invalid data available
status = XMDADMeth
write(*,*) 'WARNING: X_MDAD(): Invalid thermal data'
end if
else ! Can't calculate Pc if required LW channels not selected
status = XMDADMeth
! write(*,*) 'WARNING: X_MDAD(): Cant calculate Pc if required LW ' // &
! 'channels not selected'
end if
case (IFr) ! Cloud fraction, f
! Always overcast
X = 1
if (present(Err)) Err = MDADErrF
end select
i.e: I moved the Int_CTP call outside the logic and stored the result in an X_dump variable, which - if required - is then put into X in the place that Int_CTP used to be called.
This is probably not the most elegant solution but it works. We should fix this properly.
In the main processor,
adjusts the RTM temperature profile by extrapolating the lapse rate above the tropopause, which enables us to put overshoots at approximately the right height and also prevents lower altitude clouds from being placed into the stratosphere.However, if the First Guess is set via the driver file:
Ctrl%FG(IPc, :) = SelmCtrl;SelmCtrl;SelmCtrl
for example Then the Int_CTP code is not called, asX_MDAD
logic doesn't trigger (it appears theindex
in this function is always4
when the FG is set via the driver).This should be changed, as in most cases we want to interpolate the tropopause temp.
I have a fudged solution in my
code:i.e: I moved the Int_CTP call outside the logic and stored the result in an
variable, which - if required - is then put intoX
in the place thatInt_CTP
used to be called. This is probably not the most elegant solution but it works. We should fix this properly.