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Optimal Retrieval of Aerosol and Cloud
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use WMO platform naming, but strip hyphens out of ORAC filenames #84

Closed adamcpovey closed 7 months ago

adamcpovey commented 1 year ago

This will break local scripts as it changes output file names and some driver file arguments. WE ALL NEED TO TEST THIS ONE!

This attempts to clean up instrument naming in ORAC. In theory, the pre and main processors will now use the same formatting for sensor/platform names while platform names will follow the WMO standard whereby there's usually a hyphen before any number. Clauses dealing with this are removed from netcdf_output_create_file.F90, read_lwrtm.F90, read_swrtm.F90 and are instead in setup.F90 when parsing input files or in sad_chan.F90 when determining the name of the text LUTs. Names for NCDF LUTs are worked out within the Python script and mostly follows the WMO standard.

An addition is made to preparation.F90 to remove hyphens from ORAC filenames as these are a protected character in CCI filenames. These are put back in by pyorac.FileName.

Theoretically, the main processor no longer requires the Ctrl%InstName argument as it could be read from the configuration file.

garethethomas commented 1 year ago

Sensible and probably necessary change. I've tested with SLSTR and it works just fine, but note that I didn't test using your Python scripts (only a very minor modification needed for my own scripts to make it work). I can't test with other instruments so easily, but I can try if needed.