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Open Source Sustainibility using LLMs : Multi-Agent Decision Making for Benevolent Dictator and Meritocratic Open Source Governance Models #52

Closed sarrah-basta closed 2 months ago

sarrah-basta commented 2 months ago

Multi Agent Decision Making Algorithms


This folder contains two implementations of algorithms inspired by governance models used in open-source projects: the Benevolent Dictator Model and the Meritocratic Model. These models are simulated to assign issues to contributors within an open-source project using Large Language Models (LLMs).

Benevolent Dictator Model (Authoritarian Algorithm)

The Benevolent Dictator Model is characterized by a single leader who steers the project, making decisions and guiding contributors. This model is exemplified by the Linux Kernel project led by Linus Torvalds. It requires strong leadership, deep technical knowledge, and community-building skills.

Meritocratic Model (Decentralized Algorithm)

In the Meritocratic Model, participants gain influence based on their contributions. The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) exemplifies this model with its flat structure, allowing anyone to contribute and engage at any level.

Implementation Approaches

Authoritarian Algorithm (Benevolent Dictator Model)

This approach uses a central maintainer to manage and allocate tasks:

  1. Eligibility Check: Maintainers filter contributors based on their availability and experience.
  2. Discussion: Simulate a GitHub-style discussion among eligible contributors using LLMs.
  3. Rating: Maintainer rates each contributor according to their comments in the github discussion and experience levels.
  4. Selection: The contributor with highest rating from maintainer is selected.
  5. Task Allocation: The selected contributor is assigned the task and simulates task completion.

Decentralized Algorithm (Meritocratic Model)

This approach promotes a more democratic and open selection process:

  1. Eligibility Check: Filters contributors based on their availability and experience.
  2. Discussion: Simulate a GitHub-style discussion among eligible contributors using LLMs.
  3. Bidding: Contributors bid on their suitability for the issue based on their own comment within the discussion and their experience levels .
  4. Selection: The highest bidder is selected to work on the issue.
  5. Task Allocation: The selected contributor is assigned the task and simulates task completion.

Key Differences

Key Common Features

Please find output screenshots in the README.md.


Orthogonal-Research-Lab commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your contribution!