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Addition of Metrics in the LLAMOSC Framework #55

Closed sarrah-basta closed 2 weeks ago

sarrah-basta commented 1 month ago

Integrate following metrics and any other that may be relevant, along with their state change formulae into the LLAMOSC Framework.

Environment Variables:

  1. Issues: Classified from “Experienced” to “Good-first”, issues are assigned based on the agent’s experience level.
  2. Code Productivity: Measured by the number of commits, pull requests, issue resolutions, and overall code quality.

Agent Variables (Internal States):

  1. Experience Level: Classified as Novice, Contributor, or Maintainer.
  2. Knowledge: The agent’s understanding of the project and coding standards.
  3. Engagement Level: The degree of active participation in the community.
  4. Motivation: The drive to contribute and engage.