OREL-group / Project-Management-SP-24

Assignments and materials for Project Management, Spring 2024
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Issue Title: Implement User Profile Page #145

Open stephanieqyjin opened 2 months ago

stephanieqyjin commented 2 months ago

As part of my final project OpenMentor, an Open-Source mentoring and learning platform. I will need to implement the user profile page and responsive feature. This will allow users to create and manage their profiles, inputting information about their skills, interests, experience, education, and other relevant details to help them to get the best match of mentor and mentees. Implementing the user profile page is essential for creating meaningful connections between mentors and mentees, as it will help both mentor and mentees to know each other better, thus saving time and energy for both sides.


  1. Design the user interface and components for the platform in Figma.
  2. Develop and implement frontend components in code.
  3. Develop backend functionality for users to create, edit, and delete their profiles.
  4. Make sure user profiles are searchable and filterable with various conditions, such as skills, location, and experience .
  5. Implement user authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure data security and privacy.
  6. Test the page on different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.