OREL-group / Project-Management-SP-24

Assignments and materials for Project Management, Spring 2024
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Research on Expanding Professional Networks and Team Dynamics for Sustainable Energy Initiatives #167

Open Siewzikxun opened 2 months ago

Siewzikxun commented 2 months ago

The main objective of this project is to discover and assess tactics that can be used to successfully broaden professional networks and improve the composition of teams, with a specific focus on sustainable energy projects. The objectives of this study are:

a. Examine effective networking and team-building strategies in the sustainable energy industry, which includes analyzing case studies of prominent initiatives and organizations. b. Identify essential positions and specialized knowledge required to lead the development and execution of sustainable energy initiatives, including technical specialists, policy consultants, and marketing analysts. c. Investigate the possibility of automating and combining these tactics into a digital platform that assists sustainable energy initiatives in efficiently forming ideal teams and increasing their professional networks.