OREL-group / Project-Management-SP-24

Assignments and materials for Project Management, Spring 2024
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Strategic Pausing in Team and Network Expansion #168

Open Siewzikxun opened 2 months ago

Siewzikxun commented 2 months ago

The primary goal of the "Hold" stage is to strategically pause certain engagements while prioritizing others that are more critical at the moment. This allows for better allocation of resources and ensures that efforts are concentrated where they are most needed.

  1. Assess and prioritize: Analyze all current communications and consider the prospect of adding new members to the team. Determine the contacts and tasks that are not immediately essential or where progress is contingent upon external variables or additional information.
  2. Communication: Notify individuals and groups that they are being placed on hold. To retain strong relationships and keep individuals engaged for potential future collaboration, it is crucial to speak openly and honestly about the reasons for and projected duration of the hold.
  3. Maintain comprehensive documentation regarding the rationale for the decision to temporarily halt specific activity, including scheduled dates for future evaluations. This record will be essential for reviewing these decisions in the future and will offer significant insights for upcoming projects.