OREL-group / Project-Management-SP23

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Creating Schedule Mock-Up #62

Open dprashaad opened 1 year ago

dprashaad commented 1 year ago

Please describe the issue.

Allow students to select classes and create mock schedules for future planning.

How is this issue actionable?

Pull course meeting times/dates from UIUC Course Explorer and display that information with the corresponding class on the project site. Create a system that allows students to select classes and display those classes on a calendar utilizing those meeting times/dates. Show overlapping classes but still allow students to pick classes that occur at the same time (show a warning if they do this though). Will need to be updated before each semester!

dprashaad commented 1 year ago

Depending on user requests to save schedules, may need to rescope website capabilities in order to allow users to save their schedules to their accounts--no log in/account information is currently required. Additionally, may need to incorporate running weekly checks of those meeting times/dates in case of changes.