OREL-group / Project-Management-SU23

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Define Scope and Assess Current Understanding #33

Open lazissey opened 11 months ago

lazissey commented 11 months ago

We don't know how much or how little University students currently know about personal health resources on campus.

We know we want to tackle awareness of health on campus, but it has to also be determine what specific topics/areas should be focused on (i.e. define scope)

lazissey commented 11 months ago

We can conduct interviews with volunteers whose identities are anonymized and randomized once later input and analyzed. We can also use online surveys (i.e. Google Forms, etc.) to collect quantitative data.

lazissey commented 11 months ago

This might look like a QR code posted on social media, physical flyers posted around campus, and/or canvassing.

lazissey commented 11 months ago

to be labelled as "question"

lazissey commented 11 months ago

We have determined that personal hygiene and sexual health are key topics to be addressed in creating new resources and materials to increase awareness and enhance engagement with the student body regarding touchy subjects.