OREL-group / Project-Management

Materials and assignments for Integrative Project Management course
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Bug - Tool isn't working #142

Open bustossophia opened 6 days ago

bustossophia commented 6 days ago

The tool has crashed, the user has inputted data that the tool has never had to deal with before (i.e. *,&,$,#,@) causing the tool to break. The tool has never seen a user's income as so high (or low, a negative balance in their bank account), and cannot comprehend these integers. The tool needs to be reworked and a plan needs to be added to the management plan to handle these cases, and a description that can be inputted that will give a user an error if they've imported something that the tool can't comprehend (excluding the changes already accounted for in our rework).

Addressing the issue: tool needs to be corrected and reworked. Investigate: how the tool can be managed and monitored to prevent the tool from crashing/breaking. Determine course of action for management.