OREL-group / Project-Management

Materials and assignments for Integrative Project Management course
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User privacy and security #151

Open millergraceolson opened 1 day ago

millergraceolson commented 1 day ago

Creating pages that explain to users where their data is going and how it will b used. urgent because project allows people to use their own personal interests to navigate what they want to do on the app. ensuring that users know how their data will be used

millergraceolson commented 1 day ago

Understanding relevant privacy laws and regulations: like GDPR and CCPA, and other regional laws. Inform users about what data I am collecting, why I ma collecting it nad how it will be used. This can be done through some sort of privacy policy or consent form hat users are prompted to complete before continuing into the app. I will also collect only the data that is needed, and not store any that my app doesn't directly need tp stay up to date with user needs and interests.