ORESoftware / hr4R

Example project - "Hot Reloading 4 RequireJS" front-end web applications & some extra code demonstrating hot-reloading for Node.js Express servers
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Live Implementation #2

Open neocybereth opened 7 years ago

neocybereth commented 7 years ago

Hey, do you have a test site where we can see the hot reloading live?

ORESoftware commented 7 years ago

@Sm00g15 well, what you'd want to do is just run the app/server and load the webpage from this project. Make changes to the codebase, and then see the changes reflected immediately without having to reload the page. I am in the process of revamping this project to use TypeScript + RequireJS. It's going to be called hr4R2 or whatever - that codebase will be much simpler than this one.

In the meantime, if you want hot-reloading for a real project, I would look into Webpack. This project is just demonstrating how easy it would be to implement hot-reloading with RequireJS - but it's not something you would use to start a project, just a methodology.

I was thinking of creating a Yeoman generator for this - but there's simply not enough interest and I don't have time unfortunately, have other projects I need to work on. :(