ORNL-AMO / AMO-Tools-Desktop

AMO-Tools-Desktop is an energy efficiency calculation application for use with industrial equipment such as pumps, furnaces, fans, and motors, as well as for industrial systems such as steam. Currently in beta.
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Missing TH Report Graphs #4151

Closed nbintertech closed 3 years ago

nbintertech commented 3 years ago

From the user - "I just finished another virtual Treasure Hunt. MEASUR is working well, one thing we found was that if on the report section we do a print and print to PDF, not all items show up on the PDF. I attached the json file and the PDF I printed. The graphs don’t show. Might be a setting or something? "

rmroot commented 3 years ago

Was not able to re-create. Wonder if they didn't click on the report graphs option..? Not sure, did clean up some of the printing styling.

koay9f commented 3 years ago

Yeah, just tested the user's data and it actually doesn't work. I can't figure out what is special about their assessment. Sorry for not including it originally.

I made a folder on the dropbox (JSON files), the file has the issue number in it. https://app.zenhub.com/files/80439269/591bcc68-70dd-4286-a0d8-e1ace869ef09/download

The "Red Star Cedar Rapids" assessment

I am getting this error. image.png