ORNL-AMO / AMO-Tools-Desktop

AMO-Tools-Desktop is an energy efficiency calculation application for use with industrial equipment such as pumps, furnaces, fans, and motors, as well as for industrial systems such as steam. Currently in beta.
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Handle Refresh and URL Changes #4931

Closed rmroot closed 2 years ago

rmroot commented 2 years ago

Application should be able to refresh. Right now it goes to 404. I think this might be because the core component and dashboard components have empty strings in routing tree

May need to break into larger issues to handle but if user changes assessment ID in url we need to be able to handle that



4 is the ID of the assessment, if that get's changed to an ID that isn't ssmt assessment or a different ssmt assessment we are not really setup to handle that properly. Same goes for other assessment types

nbintertech commented 2 years ago

Currently using hash routing/location strategy, but will need to switch to path routing to solve the remaining issues

nbintertech commented 2 years ago

Using proper routing now, not hashLocationStrategy

nbintertech commented 2 years ago

This error is appearing from time to time even after routing and apache server config have been fixed. Hard to reproduce but seems to have something to do with having multiple tabs open and/or directly navigating to child route by url image.png

nbintertech commented 2 years ago

"I think instead of concerning ourselves so much about the routing/navigation that's more out of our control we think about how that wasm module is initialized Currently it's using the .js script spit out by emscripten but I think there may possibly be ways to load it synchronously"


nbintertech commented 2 years ago

No longer an issue