ORNL-AMO / AMO-Tools-Desktop

AMO-Tools-Desktop is an energy efficiency calculation application for use with industrial equipment such as pumps, furnaces, fans, and motors, as well as for industrial systems such as steam. Currently in beta.
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Steam Reduction Calc Fixes #6686

Open nbintertech opened 4 months ago

nbintertech commented 4 months ago

A lot of this is a suite issue. Putting it here for now...

ALSO - need to add 2 more new fields - see Steam Properties Calcs, need to collect 1 more data point on steam and know what type of data it is (temperature, enthalpy, entropy, quality) ALSO - enter unit conversion needs work. the suite will now be in metric/steam units. please see attached.

steam reduction calc final.docx

koay9f commented 1 month ago

ISSUE HISTORY - ignore Need to ask someone a bit more knowledgeable about steam or TH than me.

Question 1: when you use "offsheet" for a Steam utility are you entering the MMBTU of fuel to produce the steam or the MMBTU of the steam? Answer - to get the correct klb steam, you need to enter the MMBTU of the generated steam. Question 2: when you use "offsheet" for a NG or Other utility, are you .... Answer - to get the correct MMBTU fuel, you need to enter the MMBTU of the fuel burned.

Problem - you are using the same field for two different values & for Scenario 2, you currently get the wrong klb steam. This is not a big deal, but looks bad.

Solution 1 - assume the above and change the math for off sheet, non-steam utility calculation of steam generated Solution 2 - ask user if consumption = fuel energy or steam energy (drop down)

steamReduction.cpp line 82: tmpSteamUse = otherMethodData.getConsumption() * (1000000.0 / specificEnthalpy);

need to replace with an if statement based on utility type if steam: tmpSteamUse = otherMethodData.getConsumption() (1000000.0 / specificEnthalpy); else: tmpSteamUse = (otherMethodData.getConsumption() steamReductionInput.getSystemEfficiency() )* (1000000.0 / specificEnthalpy);

EDIT: need to edit above - solution 3 - remove off sheet option if utility == steam. fix steamReduction.cpp so it uses the efficiency. think about changing the names of things in the dropdown