ORNL-AMO / AMO-Tools-Desktop

AMO-Tools-Desktop is an energy efficiency calculation application for use with industrial equipment such as pumps, furnaces, fans, and motors, as well as for industrial systems such as steam. Currently in beta.
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Co2 Emissions Mixed Fuels #6830

Open koay9f opened 3 weeks ago

koay9f commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Mixed Fuels - totalFuelEmissionsOutputs values are being overwritten on tab/view change in SSMT because the fuelType value for Mixed Fuels is an empty string. I believe 'Mixed' is used elsewhere and should be used here unless it will conflict with something else (i.e. in TH). This is defined in a constant used in both PHAST and TH so should be tested thoroughly.

location -> setCo2SavingsData() -> setEnergySource

  1. We also observed Nat Gas emissions value being populated in when user backspaces the input down to null/undefined or changes energy/fuel types. Its possible fixing #1 will take care of this

Original bug observed by Kristina below: This field is relooking up the value or something each time you navigate away so that any changes do not save

nbintertech commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed both issues. Tested new SSMT, SSMT example by choosing Nat Gas, Petro, Mixed, navigating between tabs, selected scenarios, assessment open/close. backspacing input digit by digit as well as clearing all input. Also tested PHAST and TH implementations that were related to Mixed Fuel constants used - no issue or change there.

Also hiding fuel type field for Mixed fuels - that was probably the original intention and it's redundant