ORNL-AMO / Electrification-for-Decarbonization

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Small changes #6

Open koay9f opened 3 years ago

koay9f commented 3 years ago

Label for Electricity emission should be kgCO2/MWh image.png

Units Tonnes: instead of "Tonne" or "tonne" use "MT" (red circles) in results, use MWh/yr instead of kWh/yr (highlights)


Renaming: image.png

Last comment: relating to impact energy use savings: Instead of calling it energy use savings at 2 places - maybe we should refer to it by ‘energy source’ name, i.e. ‘steam and hot water savings’ in the first instance – and not calculate the second instance? We are only saving MMBtu… I think the commenter is confused, but I think their suggestion is not accurate. Need to think