ORNL-AMO / Electrification-for-Decarbonization

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Post-meeting updates #9

Open nbintertech opened 3 years ago

nbintertech commented 3 years ago




koay9f commented 3 years ago

Increase the size of the font, generally everywhere on graph. y - axis , just a little bit; x- axis, a bit more than y; label - as much as still looks good

I'm not sure what unit labels to put on there since it is a percent... Asking Paulomi

I know MEASUR has the left side results centered, but can we see if left justified looks better?

koay9f commented 3 years ago

Help text REPLACEMENT for the eGRID region dropdown

Use this calculator to estimate potential cost and CO2 emissions savings resulting from changing from fuel based equipment to electrical equipment. Enter the current fuel type and fuel energy. Select eGrid region the electricity provider is located. The emission output rate can be edited, but will return to the default value when the electricity/fuel options are changed. Emission Output Rates were obtained from the EPA and the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. eGRID output emission rates do not account for any line losses between the points of consumption and the points of generation. For example, because there are line losses, one kilowatt hour of electricity consumption requires a little more than one kilowatt hour of electricity generation. To account for transmission and distribution line losses when applying eGRID output emission rates to electricity consumption within a certain region, consumption is divided by (one minus the grid gross loss [as a decimal]).

And add this table (not as a png, but how we normally do tables in help) image.png

with this link: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2021-02/documents/egrid2019_technical_guide.pdf