ORNL / CabanaPD

Peridynamics with the Cabana library
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Add thermal deformation example #93

Open streeve opened 3 weeks ago

streeve commented 3 weeks ago

Adds temperature dependent stretch with new example and general way to include thermal physics

Initially only implemented for PMB and without fracture

~Blocked by #89~

pabloseleson commented 1 week ago

@streeve : Put examples inside folders: mechanics thermo-mechanics

streeve commented 1 week ago

@pabloseleson I've fixed the communication issue I was seeing and rearranged the examples as you suggested. Please give a final review after checking that it runs ok on your end

pabloseleson commented 4 days ago

There is an issue when temp0 is not 0.

pabloseleson commented 4 days ago

I tried adding the following to thermal_deformation.cpp. Files were created but with no content:

// ====================================================
//                      Outputs
// ====================================================
// Output displacement along the x-axis
createDisplacementProfile( MPI_COMM_WORLD, num_cells[0], 0,
                           "xdisplacement_profile.txt", *particles );

// Output displacement along the y-axis
createDisplacementProfile( MPI_COMM_WORLD, num_cells[0], 1,
                           "ydisplacement_profile.txt", *particles );