ORNL / ReSolve

Library of GPU-resident linear solvers
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add `LinSolverDirectLUSOL`, with initial support for solving Ax = rhs #153

Closed superwhiskers closed 4 weeks ago

superwhiskers commented 4 weeks ago
pelesh commented 4 weeks ago
  • documents a deficiency in the Csc class

@superwhiskers, please create a separate issue rather than adding comments to the code.

pelesh commented 4 weeks ago

It seems that changes to CMake caused GPU builds to break. An example error message looks like:

[ 34%] Building CXX object resolve/matrix/CMakeFiles/resolve_matrix.dir/MatrixHandlerHip.cpp.o
/ccs/home/peles/src/resolve/resolve/resolve/matrix/MatrixHandlerHip.cpp:58:18: error: no matching function for call to 'rocsparse_dcsrmv_analysis'
        status = rocsparse_dcsrmv_analysis(handle_rocsparse,
/opt/rocm-5.6.0/include/rocsparse/rocsparse-functions.h:3387:18: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'index_type *' (aka 'long *') to 'const rocsparse_int *' (aka 'const int *') for 8th argument
rocsparse_status rocsparse_dcsrmv_analysis(rocsparse_handle          handle,

I'll investigate more.

pelesh commented 4 weeks ago

@superwhiskers, I tested this branch and everything looks good. I fixed a couple of minor build warnings in PR #156. I will merge this PR after #156 is merged.

superwhiskers commented 4 weeks ago

156 is merged.