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P2901 LEWG review: 2023/10/24 #420

Open mhoemmen opened 10 months ago

mhoemmen commented 10 months ago

P2901R0 LEWG review: 2023/10/24

LEWG reviewed P2901R0 on 2023/10/24. They didn't take polls, but would like to see the paper again. They gave the following feedback.

Should the batch dimension be required to expect independent data? For example, if users want to convince the implementation to vectorize with a custom accessor, will they need to specify *unseq? Answer: This likely relates to the definition of an "element function" in the parallel algorithms. Accessor's access function is an element function in that sense.

Should users be able to customize algorithms based on execution policy?

What about heterogeneous computation? Senders / receivers lets you build a graph expressing asynchronous computation.

Explain wow to port code from a for loop around calls to the nonbatched interface, to a single call to the batched interface. Give code examples.

How do users tell a batched problem / call from an unbatched problem / call? Explore alternate ways to describe a batched problem, and to differentiate it from a nonbatched problem.

Regarding algorithm customization based on execution policy, and integration with senders / receivers: Dissent on whether we should standardize some interfaces first and tie them all together later, or try to standardize a "total plan" first and develop specific interfaces from there. The latter was what we tried to do with executors; it was dropped and replaced by a more cut-down plan P2300. It's hard to get intuition for interfaces without being able to play with them. If we start too abstractly, we may not end up being able to put the pieces together.

LEWG requests information on:

Anonymous not-quite-quote: "It's likely I wouldn't use this interface in my product, because I have no way to guarantee that my use of the Standard Library would run on the GPU. The alternative is to get a vendor-specific "clone" of the Standard interface out of a vendor-specific interface (e.g., using vendor::std)."