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LEWG Kona 11/2023 mdarray #434

Open crtrott opened 10 months ago

crtrott commented 10 months ago

Super Brief mdarray introduction

Why we want mdarray

Creating a simple 2D array with mdspan requires multiple steps because mdspan is non-owning.

// Create a mapping:
layout_left map(extents(N,M));

// Create an allocation
vector<int> data(map.required_span_size());

// Create mdspan:
mdspan a(data.data(), map);

mdarray is a multidimensional array with value-semantics and makes the above simpler

// default layout
mdarray a(N,M);
// other layout
mdarray b(layout_left(extents(N,M))); 

What aspects of mdspan does mdarray have

mdarray has the

The accessor policy is replaced by a container type.

template<class ElementType, class Extents, class Layout, class Accessor>
class mdspan {
     template<class ... Indices>
     reference operator [] (Indices ... idx) const { return acc_.access(ptr_, map_(idx...)); }
     typename Accessor::data_handle_type ptr_;
     Layout::mapping<Extents> map_;
     Accessor acc_;

template<class ElementType, class Extents, class Layout, class Container>
class mdarray {
     template<class ... Indices>
     reference operator [] (Indices ... idx) { return ctr_[map_(idx...)]); }

     Layout::mapping<Extents> map_;
     Container ctr_;

This means mdarray does not have the kind of access modality customization point functionality of mdspan, but that functionality is anyway intended for local specialization of accesses, and thus more suited for the view-like class.


Move behavior