ORT-Interactive-GmbH / laravel-couchbase

A Couchbase based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel
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Class 'Mpociot\Couchbase\CouchbaseServiceProvider' not found #54

Open MilesHart opened 2 years ago

MilesHart commented 2 years ago

Just trying to get off the ground...

composer require mpociot/couchbase

Then add the line to the config/app.php

works great no errors. However when I composer install I get the following

Class 'Mpociot\Couchbase\CouchbaseServiceProvider' not found

Any ideas?

php 7.2, couchbase drivers show up fine in the phpinfo.

MilesHart commented 2 years ago

Ok, slight update. I have register it in the config/app.php however in the config/app.php when add the $app->register, this is failing in the composer install with

Script @php artisan package:discover --ansi handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 255

MilesHart commented 2 years ago

PHP version 7.3.1 Laravel 7.30.6

MilesHart commented 2 years ago

Just installed fresh Laravel 7.0, same issue.