OS4ED / openSIS-Classic

openSIS is a commercial grade, secure, scalable & intuitive Student Information System, School Management Software from OS4ED. Has all functionalities to run single or multiple institutions in one installation. Web based, php code, MySQL database.
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Unable to install on cloud server #320

Open alaksandarjesus opened 2 months ago

alaksandarjesus commented 2 months ago

I was able to got till step 3


after i click on save&next i am getting blank screen.


My php is 8.3 image

Mysql Version is 8.0 image

I tried to debug to some extent and from Ins2.php the code stops executing at

 $myFile = "OpensisSchemaMysqlInc.sql";

And the exectueSQL function i used some var_dump like below

 if (par_rep_mt('/.+;/', $l) != 0 && !$delim) {
            var_dump("<br>cmd = ".$cmd);
                    $result = $dbconn->query($cmd) or die($dbconn->error);
                    var_dump("<br>result = ".$result);
                    $cmd = '';

And this is the result i got (for easy reading purpose i changed the background)


so practically the whole execution stops at

cmd = CREATE FUNCTION fn_marking_period_seq () RETURNS INT BEGIN INSERT INTO marking_period_id_generator VALUES(NULL); RETURN LAST_INSERT_ID(); END"

I tried to increase max_execution_time but did not work.

So i tried to run the sql using phpmyadmin


I got below response


I am not sure, i need to degrade the versions or is there a fix for this

emrahyigit commented 2 months ago

I guess there is a compatibility issue with MySQL 8. I have exactly same problem.

inomyabcs commented 1 month ago

I had this problem as well. This was an issue for me with binary logging, as I went through the entire SQL include file with myphpadmin and received the message below on the same spot @alaksandarjesus found.

ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you might want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

I tried using the non deterministic statements, but they are not compatible with CREATE FUNCTION. I then went and disabled binary logging using mysqld (add a line with skip-log-bin) and the process completed.

References MySQL Stored Programs Logging