OSAS / strapping-mediawiki

base skin for MediaWiki, based on Bootstrap — layer your own style (fonts, graphics, color) on top
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drop-downs dont work on mobile browsers #55

Open collabet opened 10 years ago

collabet commented 10 years ago

This skin is simply brilliant! Love it. Only drawback I encountered so far: drop-downs dont work on mobiles. Neither Android build-in browser, nor Chrome or Firefox (which isnt supported by bootstrap anyway) does open the menus, they highlight only. Some research clued me that it's a bootstrap prob, considered fixed in later versions. Strapping uses v2.3.2 for which I found a fix (1), but dunno what to do with it.

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("li.dropdown a").click(function(e){ $(this).next('ul.dropdown-menu').css("display", "block"); e.stopPropagation(); }); });

Feeding that somehow into strapping.js just leaves drop-downs open on desktop and doesnt do anything on mobiles. Any hint or help is appreciated.

1) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17178606/bootstrap-dropdown-navigation-not-working-on-mobile-browsers