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Fixes to the active sessions widget after the introduction of the Turbo Stream libraries #3546

Closed abujeda closed 3 weeks ago

abujeda commented 1 month ago

The Active Sessions widget is meant to display a subset of the current active interactive sessions.

After the introduction of the Turbo Stream, all the session cards (regardless of the status) are replaced when an update is fetch from the server. This is causing that the active sessions widget goes from showing the first 3 active sessions to display all.

The fix is simply to disable the updates. Later on, we will implement a solution to refresh the session data in the widget.

johrstrom commented 1 month ago

Later on, we will implement a solution to refresh the session data in the widget.

How big of a change is that? You may want to go ahead and see because I'm preparing for Summer Institute which is eating a lot of my time/focus. Which is to say - I may not get to this quickly.

abujeda commented 1 month ago

I think it could be a medium size change. At the moment we are focusing on a deployment and an upgrade to 3.1 so it will be a while until I pick this issue again. I just want to have a fix in place in case it makes it into a release

johrstrom commented 1 month ago

I see - turbo stuff (and rails upgrade to 7) won't come until 4.0. so none of this will be in the 3.1.x releases.

johrstrom commented 4 weeks ago

I think this conflicts with the bootstrap 5 upgrade we just did.

abujeda commented 3 weeks ago

I have fixed the conflicts