OSC / ood-ansible

An ansible role for Open Ondemand
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how far through the installation guide does this role carry me? #154

Open simonLeary42 opened 2 years ago

simonLeary42 commented 2 years ago

Where in the docs do I need to pick up after this role is applied?

If I build from source, do I need to do the finalizing from source?

johrstrom commented 2 years ago

If you've installed OnDemand then the next steps are all about configuration. https://osc.github.io/ood-documentation/latest/customization.html, which you can use this role to apply those configurations. Use the tags configure to run only the configuration tasks.

Disregard the build from source directions because I believe they're specific to RHEL systems and the role took care of all of that for you.

simonLeary42 commented 2 years ago

image with respect to the quick start guide, after provisioning should I pick up at step 3? The reason I ask is because the web server doesn't seem to be working.

johrstrom commented 2 years ago

The reason I ask is because the web server doesn't seem to be working.

What are you seeing out of the webserver? What's the authentication scheme you're trying to setup?

simonLeary42 commented 2 years ago

Plan to use shiboleth SSO. In the quickstart it says I should be looking at a blank open on demand page. I'm just looking for signs of life.

simonLeary42 commented 2 years ago

I ssh tcp forwarded from the host to itself and at least now I show up in CustomLog: - - [15/Jul/2022:03:48:54 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 301 529 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:96.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/96.0"

it recognizes the get request but sends back nothing.

johrstrom commented 2 years ago

a 301 is a redirect somewhere else. IDK if you're trying with curl or what, but a web browser would respond to that.

You're not going to get much out of it without authentication so I'd go ahead and try to set that up and SSL too if you're using your site wide credentials.

simonLeary42 commented 2 years ago

My local machine is redirecting to localhost. I got my signs of life by x11 forwarding a browser from the host so that when firefox sees 'localhost' it goes to the right place. Shame that x11 forwarding firefox is painfully slow. How does everybody else get into the ood-portal?

johrstrom commented 2 years ago

How does everybody else get into the ood-portal?

What is your deploy target? It's a web page served by apache, so you should be able to just navigate to the host that you're deploying on.

In sum - if you're installing on a server that has a DNS name of mysite.edu, then you simply put that hostname in your web browser. The servername config here is important. In this case it'd be mysite.edu.

localhost is relative to wherever you happen to be. It is useful development locally (mostly through a container) but you shouldn't be using it if you're actually trying to install this on a server.

simonLeary42 commented 2 years ago

How do I make ood regenerate the apache conf?

johrstrom commented 2 years ago

This handler takes care of it for you.


I believe this is the command you'd run.

APACHE=/etc/apache2/conf.enabled/ood-portal.conf /opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal