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Add vagrant other schedulers #8

Closed MorganRodgers closed 4 years ago

MorganRodgers commented 4 years ago

FYI: Grid engine is in another branch. I was having trouble getting the web node to be able to submit to the head node. My previous solution just used the web node as the sole compute node.

treydock commented 4 years ago

Should try and put things like hosts file and setup scripts that are common in the common directory and symlink like vagrant-with-slurm does for ood-setup.sh. Less to maintain.

treydock commented 4 years ago

This may conflict with #11 for some changes.

treydock commented 4 years ago

Merged #11 so there a few merge conflicts to resolve now.

MorganRodgers commented 4 years ago

The port/IP address overlap is intentional at this stage. If we want to allow more than one of these Vagrant 'clusters' to run at once that's a separate job of work because at that point it would make sense to be able to have a single OnDemand instance that can talk to each of these 'clusters'.